
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: octubre, 2019

What is the ‘strange’ transparent ball found it under the sea?

WHAT IS THE 'STRNGE' TRANSPARENT BALL FOUND IT UNDER THE SEA? A diver discovers a huge transparent sphere floating on the seabed. The most disturbing thing is that there seems to be a living creature inside. Some think it is a jellyfish or a giant squid egg. What is the strange sea creature? It is actually a huge mass of squid eggs.
The deepest place known to this day is the Mariana Trench, with a maximum known depth of no less  than 11,034 meters. WHAT IS THE DEEPEST PLACE ON THE EARTH? Some amazing and curious sea creatures live in the depths of the Mariana Trench challenging the most extreme living conditions.

An ant can carry 60 times its own weight.

AN ANT CAN CARRY 60 TIMES ITS OWN WEIDHT.   Did you now that?  To give you an idea, it would be like seeing a baby carrying a car on his back, like a superhero, they can also thirty times its volume. But not all the ants can do it, only a peculiar spacie. Why they are so strong? Th e secret is in his strong jaw and his genetic body adapted to carry heavy things.

Which is the highest point on Earth?

WHICH IS THE HIGHEST POINT ON EARTH? The highest point of the earth's surface is everest (8,848 meters). But there is another summit that makes the competition. We talk about Chimborazo (6,263 meters) in Ecuador.   It turns out that if instead of sea level we take the level of the center of the earth things change. Since the center of the earth to Chimborazo there are 6,384 km , and now is when there is change because since the center of the earth to Everest there are 6,382 km! Chimborazo is 2 km higher than Everest!
Hi  everyone! We are Aleix, Joan Marc and Júlia, students of third of ESO in Lestonnac (Lleida). In this blog whe will talk about diferent types of curiosities that may interest you.